Tuesday, 26 June 2007

Other plans, continued

I Forgot to mention that I am about to book a short cycling holiday for me and the penny. I am going to have a go at the coast to coast, about 150miles in 3 days including going over the pennines. I'm not too worried about going up the climbs as I can just ride as far as I can then come to a halt and walk. Going down the other side could be more difficult as past a certain speed it becomes very difficult to slow the bike down and just getting off is not really an option as you are sat 5 feet in the air and going 20miles an hour! Fortunately, I have private health care through my work... Anyway, I will not be riding the penny today as I have a club time trial tonight, http://www.worcester-st-johns-cc.org.uk/index.html and my time trial bike is starting to gather dust. If anyone wants to turn up and have a go at a time trial new riders are always welcome..

I've just got home after the time trial. I'm freezing cold and disappointed with my time. All the penny riding seems to have slowed me down, either that or I just had an off night. Hopefully summer will return soon as I seem to go better in the heat..

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